I started making our group documentary film last night at Tito Melvin's house. Sadly, I have to go alone 'cause my groupmates can't go and have the overnight.
At first, I thought it would be easy, that I just have to record what's happening to them during work, but no. I was shocked and got confused and didn't know what to do the moment I entered their house.
I was battling with sleepiness 'cause I have to deal with the "No Signal Policy" inside the house. My phone acted having NPA due to that matter. Watching TV kind of makes me feel drowsy. Another thing I have to consider is their dogs. Not that I really don't like dogs, it's just that I'm scared at them 'cause they might bite me and eat me. LOL. just kidding.
Tita Cha is so approachable and she's so nice. If I'm not mistaken, I think last night was the first time I met her and talked to her. It's just so nice to see how she act professionally, and answers on every question and comments on things. She made me have second thought of our topic, on how it is connected to our course by just a simple convo. I was like "oonga 'no?" and right now, I am still brainstorming on how to relate my ideas.
Minutes after I started filming inside, I feel like I was troubleshooting. I mean, I was multitasking and I don't know what to do. I got so much lessons. I learned that making a documentary can't be done by only one person especially when that person's totally a newbie. I don't know if that happened to other people too, but to me, I got so many "Oh I should've done this, I should've done that", and so on and so forth.
From the alone experience last night, I concluded that you can't be all person at one time. There must be a person or two to videograph, for angle purposes, there must be someone who have to jot down what your interviewee is saying just in case the camera isn't showing the red spot on the screen by accident, and someone who have a quick thinking of follow up questions. What more? Those were the kind of people I needed last night, or I needed to possess me.
Let me share you the things I figured out last night:
1. Be Alert! You'll never know, something really big might just happen next.
2. Never lose track. As much as possible, always have your camera on record especially when you see your interviewee answers or shares something actively.
3. Never Multitask! Every group member should have a role no matter what. You're not Superman or Wonder woman.
4. Have plenty of unused storage space in your memory card. Panic button is not part of the emergency machine.
5. Act like a child when asking questions. Always have a follow up question so the flow of your story can be smooth.
6. Don't feel awkward, don't be shy. It will just destroy your bright ideas and your strategies.
7. Be open for further conversations. It can give you more ideas.
8. Know your equipments well before using them. You might see the camera features you need to use AFTER you have taken your videos!
9. Jot down notes. Your ideas decay too!
10. Always have a baon energy.
11. Think about your topic before going to the actual thing. It's hard to restart in real life.
You don't have to be any kind of superhero to be able to have a good output of this kind of project (Well if you could, why not?). You just have to go with the flow, be open-minded, trust your instincts, always be reminded that expectation is far from reality (It might be near by luck or if you're already a pro), face your fears and be ready for anything. Optimism can help you a lot. Surround yourself with good vibes.
I almost raised my white flag, but I can't. I have to go on and do my best for the group's sake and of course, for my grade. (Drama!) Good Luck to us! *crossed fingers*
Friday, 16 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
Since I always insist to this person that I'm kind, I'll grant a request from him. I know he's a fan, so I'll be nice. (LOL. Kidding!)
This person I'm gonna write about is a classmate of mine. He's a blockmate in my first chapter of my college book.
I've never noticed him on our first day of school until we had an assignment in Comski1, which was to bring an article that is of our interest. I brought an ish of my candymag, and some of my classmates borrowed it while I'm out having my lunch. When I came in the classroom, Ella greeted me with a worried face showing my magazine with a torn page. I got shocked, not with what happened, but to myself, 'cause normally, I get mad whenever a page of my candymag got ripped, but no, not even a feeling of being pissed of. That's super weird. Then this page ripper guy came inside saying "Ate, sorry, papalitan ko nalang". I think it's a pointless matter to have a new copy just because your old one got wrecked. I've read the articles anyway, so I just didn't minded it and said "Ok lang".
I remembered another happening inside the classroom. It was Filione Time and we have to copy something shown in front through an OHP Machine. We were kind of crowding at the back, but I finished copying fast. I lent my notebook to my classmates, who were Jeco, this guy and Kevin, I think? We're almost just in the same age, so it's kind of an insult when someone calls you "Ate". When I heard that word, I said, "Ate?", then Jeco said, "Parang sa commercial yan ah?". Yeah it was. Napatawa naman ako. :)
As far as I can remember, he became my groupmate for the first time in an activity in Reled. We were asked to make a graphic presentation about what can we do for other people regarding the issues in our country. He's already makulit that time. He's one of the "Samsung Corby Owners" in our class. LOL.
This guy is a person who's major in life is Philosophy. The kind of person who always asks and answers questions literally. And when you give him questions or answers which are not what he's expecting, he'll be the "clog of the moment", then he'll laugh at you! In short, he's mean. Well, kind of. Mean in a fun way.
This morning, when we're on our way to SM, the jeepney stopped and a man who was talking to someone on the phone climbed in. I heard the person he's talking to laughed, and I smiled secretly, like I want to laugh out loud, but I can't. The sound goes like HA.HA.HA. I smiled because I remembered my classmate.
It was Comski time, and my seatmate, Kevin and the girl in front my seat, Ella were both absent. He pointed at Ella's empty chair and asked Mario who was sitting there. Mario replied that it was Ella. Then (this is the climax. I just don't know how to say it humorously. haha!) He laughed while saying the words "Ha-ha. Ki-ta mo na may na-ka-u-po jan?". Can you imagine that? Speaking while laughing? Oh, did I say that it was quiet that time? Then he blurted out the great amusement. HAHAHAHA! It never fail to make me smile over and over again whenever i get to recall it. =))
Another thing about him is that, he's a trendsetter--with words. First was the "Kagat!", wherein when you get tricked, they will mention that word instead of saying "Ay, uto-uto". The virus spread all over the class until no one acted as the victim already. You just need good tactics in order to say the magic word again. Another word is the "Aw" expression. It's like saying it though you're not really hurt. Like Hyperbole, exaggeration. "Topic?" is his cliché question.
His barkada is with him along the way of laughtrip, Dota, galaan, foodtrip, and girls (what more?). They are Billy, Dake, Rap, Jaah, and Jabin. Yes, he's a serious Dota player, that if playing that computer game is a job, he'd probably be rich by now. I just can't get why did they get so addicted over that game.
One cool thing I've discovered about him aside from playing dota and basketball was, he plays lawn tennis! How cool is that? Maybe because I just don't know how to play that sport. :P
When it comes to Programming, He's definitely "The Man"!
He's a goal-oriented man who don't want to just have a passing score, but the score he thinks he can reach as high as he can. (It's kind of inspiring)
I admire him when playing the guitar, and when he sings. He sure got good voice inspite of the scary broad voice whenever he talks and laughs! Courtesy of what I've said on my previous blog about the maranatha, I loved the part when we sang "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" with Jabin. :) And when I rapped Super Bass while he strums the guitar during our Maranatha practice at Ella's place. I'm such a superstar wannabe when I'm actually just a fan. HAHA. :P He was one of the main singers of our maranatha presentation. He was part of their school's Glee Club when he was in highschool.
Each one of us have good and bad qualities. Qualities which were the result of our everyday living, and the past. Humanism, school of psychology, I respect whatever is happening to every person in this world.
For serious non-fiction infos about him, he studied at Canossa Academy when he was in highschool and in St. Joseph when he was in elementary. His birthday is every 8th of January. He's from Balintawak, Lipa CIty. He's the youngest among his sibs. (Just ask him for more infos if you're interested. :P)
I just write whatever comes out of my mind randomly. So forgive me if there's something wrong with what I have typed, or for being mean in some of my descriptions here.
There is so much more to tell, but if I would, I might write a novel! If I'll still have some words to share, I might just edit this post or include it in my upcoming 1st semester ending blog. FYI, this is an on the spot blog. :P
Oh, before I hit the publish button. His name is Mark Adriene Reyes. You can call him Mark for short.
This person I'm gonna write about is a classmate of mine. He's a blockmate in my first chapter of my college book.
I've never noticed him on our first day of school until we had an assignment in Comski1, which was to bring an article that is of our interest. I brought an ish of my candymag, and some of my classmates borrowed it while I'm out having my lunch. When I came in the classroom, Ella greeted me with a worried face showing my magazine with a torn page. I got shocked, not with what happened, but to myself, 'cause normally, I get mad whenever a page of my candymag got ripped, but no, not even a feeling of being pissed of. That's super weird. Then this page ripper guy came inside saying "Ate, sorry, papalitan ko nalang". I think it's a pointless matter to have a new copy just because your old one got wrecked. I've read the articles anyway, so I just didn't minded it and said "Ok lang".
I remembered another happening inside the classroom. It was Filione Time and we have to copy something shown in front through an OHP Machine. We were kind of crowding at the back, but I finished copying fast. I lent my notebook to my classmates, who were Jeco, this guy and Kevin, I think? We're almost just in the same age, so it's kind of an insult when someone calls you "Ate". When I heard that word, I said, "Ate?", then Jeco said, "Parang sa commercial yan ah?". Yeah it was. Napatawa naman ako. :)
As far as I can remember, he became my groupmate for the first time in an activity in Reled. We were asked to make a graphic presentation about what can we do for other people regarding the issues in our country. He's already makulit that time. He's one of the "Samsung Corby Owners" in our class. LOL.
This guy is a person who's major in life is Philosophy. The kind of person who always asks and answers questions literally. And when you give him questions or answers which are not what he's expecting, he'll be the "clog of the moment", then he'll laugh at you! In short, he's mean. Well, kind of. Mean in a fun way.
This morning, when we're on our way to SM, the jeepney stopped and a man who was talking to someone on the phone climbed in. I heard the person he's talking to laughed, and I smiled secretly, like I want to laugh out loud, but I can't. The sound goes like HA.HA.HA. I smiled because I remembered my classmate.
It was Comski time, and my seatmate, Kevin and the girl in front my seat, Ella were both absent. He pointed at Ella's empty chair and asked Mario who was sitting there. Mario replied that it was Ella. Then (this is the climax. I just don't know how to say it humorously. haha!) He laughed while saying the words "Ha-ha. Ki-ta mo na may na-ka-u-po jan?". Can you imagine that? Speaking while laughing? Oh, did I say that it was quiet that time? Then he blurted out the great amusement. HAHAHAHA! It never fail to make me smile over and over again whenever i get to recall it. =))
Another thing about him is that, he's a trendsetter--with words. First was the "Kagat!", wherein when you get tricked, they will mention that word instead of saying "Ay, uto-uto". The virus spread all over the class until no one acted as the victim already. You just need good tactics in order to say the magic word again. Another word is the "Aw" expression. It's like saying it though you're not really hurt. Like Hyperbole, exaggeration. "Topic?" is his cliché question.
His barkada is with him along the way of laughtrip, Dota, galaan, foodtrip, and girls (what more?). They are Billy, Dake, Rap, Jaah, and Jabin. Yes, he's a serious Dota player, that if playing that computer game is a job, he'd probably be rich by now. I just can't get why did they get so addicted over that game.
One cool thing I've discovered about him aside from playing dota and basketball was, he plays lawn tennis! How cool is that? Maybe because I just don't know how to play that sport. :P
When it comes to Programming, He's definitely "The Man"!
He's a goal-oriented man who don't want to just have a passing score, but the score he thinks he can reach as high as he can. (It's kind of inspiring)
I admire him when playing the guitar, and when he sings. He sure got good voice inspite of the scary broad voice whenever he talks and laughs! Courtesy of what I've said on my previous blog about the maranatha, I loved the part when we sang "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" with Jabin. :) And when I rapped Super Bass while he strums the guitar during our Maranatha practice at Ella's place. I'm such a superstar wannabe when I'm actually just a fan. HAHA. :P He was one of the main singers of our maranatha presentation. He was part of their school's Glee Club when he was in highschool.
For serious non-fiction infos about him, he studied at Canossa Academy when he was in highschool and in St. Joseph when he was in elementary. His birthday is every 8th of January. He's from Balintawak, Lipa CIty. He's the youngest among his sibs. (Just ask him for more infos if you're interested. :P)
I just write whatever comes out of my mind randomly. So forgive me if there's something wrong with what I have typed, or for being mean in some of my descriptions here.
There is so much more to tell, but if I would, I might write a novel! If I'll still have some words to share, I might just edit this post or include it in my upcoming 1st semester ending blog. FYI, this is an on the spot blog. :P
Because we're friends, this blog only costs one hot fudge! :) |
Sunday, 11 September 2011
The word "Maranatha" got so overused before September 7 happened.
Honestly, it's a hard job to act as one of the leaders in your class especially when your classmates kinda don't take it seriously. But it's a very fun event in my life because it made the class become closer. Or maybe just some people, but it's nice to see that.
Only in IT1B, where I experienced practices turning out to be swimming time in the rain, hours of lateness but ending so early, some dances, while most sits, still confused at the last minute practice where would the venue be, never had a complete attendance, more laughs, and so much more.
Usually, the day before "The Big Day", general practices are happening. In our class, it never happened. Even the minute before we entered Sentrum. I just told Leah, I salute our class. Super! Hey I mean it in a good way. I know everyone got pissed off, though some just don't show it, even me, I did, but I know it won't help. Being optimistic will be the best way out of stress. And laughing might took it away too, I guess?
Our class performed 7th, and get so pressured everytime our eyes see a wonderful presentation. I was looking at the faces of my classmates, and almost all of them (including me) were all like wanting to cry. :P Not really, just kind of worried. While some just relaxes. I heard the class beside our class waiting for something wrong to happen to their opponents for minus points' sake! Aw.
Oh, I just remembered. I love the part while we're watching and Mark asked what's the first part of "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" and he, Jabin and I sang the song. hihi. I love the voicing. I wish we could make a cover. :P
I'm pretty sure our class got noticed due to our performance. People say, all other classes were in senti mode, then when we went down the dance floor, kaboom! "What the heck happened?" I was saying that we were assigned in the production number. haha! We were supposed to do an interpretative dance.
Every presentation had an intro, wherein someone or more will speak and say the class' reflection. When Mish and Dianara spoke, while we were standing behind them, I got goosebumps. Just that time. I felt cold thinking "Ohmygosh, this is it". The best feeling was the part where we made a circle having kind of a big group hug and swinging left and right we were all smiling inside. It just feels so nice, that you finally felt the unity, and the fun while performing. Too bad, the party popper which I bought didn't worked. It wasn't able to be used, because of our innocence on using it. Haha! Dake, Ethel and I never thought we still have to take the sticker off. LOL.
Superb for Mark, Tricia, Jorene, and Jeufren's extravagant voices! *thumbs up!*
Like what I have said on tumblr, the part that I love the most was the closing prayer wherein every participant held a lighted candle with the lights closed inside the sentrum. I felt the Lasallian spirit! (though the wall fan and Mark kept on killing my fire!)
Honestly, it's a hard job to act as one of the leaders in your class especially when your classmates kinda don't take it seriously. But it's a very fun event in my life because it made the class become closer. Or maybe just some people, but it's nice to see that.
Only in IT1B, where I experienced practices turning out to be swimming time in the rain, hours of lateness but ending so early, some dances, while most sits, still confused at the last minute practice where would the venue be, never had a complete attendance, more laughs, and so much more.
Usually, the day before "The Big Day", general practices are happening. In our class, it never happened. Even the minute before we entered Sentrum. I just told Leah, I salute our class. Super! Hey I mean it in a good way. I know everyone got pissed off, though some just don't show it, even me, I did, but I know it won't help. Being optimistic will be the best way out of stress. And laughing might took it away too, I guess?
Our class performed 7th, and get so pressured everytime our eyes see a wonderful presentation. I was looking at the faces of my classmates, and almost all of them (including me) were all like wanting to cry. :P Not really, just kind of worried. While some just relaxes. I heard the class beside our class waiting for something wrong to happen to their opponents for minus points' sake! Aw.
Dance Floor |
The Miss FAP Candidate from G1A (Nursing Student) |
Oh, I just remembered. I love the part while we're watching and Mark asked what's the first part of "The Man Who Can't Be Moved" and he, Jabin and I sang the song. hihi. I love the voicing. I wish we could make a cover. :P
a dove left by a random class who performed. aww, poor birdie |
Every presentation had an intro, wherein someone or more will speak and say the class' reflection. When Mish and Dianara spoke, while we were standing behind them, I got goosebumps. Just that time. I felt cold thinking "Ohmygosh, this is it". The best feeling was the part where we made a circle having kind of a big group hug and swinging left and right we were all smiling inside. It just feels so nice, that you finally felt the unity, and the fun while performing. Too bad, the party popper which I bought didn't worked. It wasn't able to be used, because of our innocence on using it. Haha! Dake, Ethel and I never thought we still have to take the sticker off. LOL.
Superb for Mark, Tricia, Jorene, and Jeufren's extravagant voices! *thumbs up!*
Like what I have said on tumblr, the part that I love the most was the closing prayer wherein every participant held a lighted candle with the lights closed inside the sentrum. I felt the Lasallian spirit! (though the wall fan and Mark kept on killing my fire!)
May nagmumultong kandila sa likod o. LOL jk. That was Mark's |
Class Mayors |
Jorene's Solar Hands. HAHA.:P |
![]() |
This was last Sept. 8, the Maranatha Finals. We weren't one of these people, but sure the scenario I was telling you looks exactly like this. :) Credits to kuya/ate André Enginco for this piccie! |
As expected, we didn't win, but the fact that Miss Grace smiled at us when we met her, saying at least, we did our best, it just feels good. Aww. ♥
Panel of Judges with some of the Guests |
The event ended at 8:30 pm. Headed to Mcdo for Dinner with Ella and Jabin. Some others came along after. Got home super late, and it was my first time. It's a good thing I still got a ride home. Thank you God for guiding me home safe!
---lots of love, Neds
Thursday, 1 September 2011
I remember my first week in college. I was like a puppy lost in the city with lots of feet walking everywhere, back and forth. A shy pup who just decided to stay away from people and mind her own world. But really wants to make some friends.
Didn't know I'll come to this point of loving college life, and that's because of friends.
As a super duper fresh student that time, I feel like I have a very bad breath, that everytime I'll speak to a classmate, he/she will suddenly collapse. Yes it's so hard to adjust from highschool to college in an instant, but time will help you.
I had this condition to myself to not get too attached to people, because I might get hurt again when they leave. I didn't know why did I ever thought about that on my first freshman days, 'cause it's too augmentative to have that kind of perception and always be the one who don't belong. No man is really an island.
What my auntie said on my first week of school was true. Bano pa kaming lahat sa college, pero kapag may friends ka na, parang ivory, ang sarap ng feeling!
With the kind of people I am with, and a friend whom I can rely on, and talk about my giddiness, what more can I ask for? With my first impressions and cowardliness, I never thought I could get along with them.
Yesterday, I got so pissed off at Filione time, because of how our professor acted so rudely on us. If I'm a witch, I could curse her. It's a good thing my classmates are there to make you laugh though not intended specifically.
I'm the kind of person who loves to laugh, 'cause laughing feels so infinite. It feels like I'm not being stalked by problems. I feel like everyone is so happy whenever someone cracks a joke and everyone laughs, or just simply laughs on a certain thing everyone can relate, though some don't. haha.
As of now, I'm still thinking of some words to describe how much I love being with them. I mean, they're one of the best people I've met in my life, I can't think of any anymore. Basta I'm happy with them! :)
I'll just add some of my words in my follow up blog about each one of them, so stay tuned! :)
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